Saturday, August 20, 2011

Service Encounters of the Third Kind

What makes a company successful over the long, long run? What characterizes the service relationship between companies and customers, the business together for decades, even generations?

How your company can stay close to your customers, even as times change, technologies change and expectations rise constantly?

What can you do to improve the quality of customer service and ensure your company's future offers are relevant and valuable to the market?

A huge step forward in improving the customer service is, for your customers' future needs and interests by the growing service-encounter of the third kind to explore. Today - in this unique encounters, your valuable and loyal relationships built for the future through your words and deeds. You can improve service quality in the long run, by thinking proactively.

Let's start with a detailed Service Encounters at the first and second kinds and how they improve customer service quality.

Service Encounters Of The First Art

In Service Encounters of the first type, your company approaches the customer with the most basic of all customer service questions: "What do you want (or need)?"

Your client will respond with the same simplicity: "I want your product X, Y of the time and date, your stock price Z."

Your company should focus and priority service now be clear: Get the customer's order right, and get it right the first time to improve the customer!

Campaigns to achieve this goal are widespread and easily recognized. "Do It Right!", "Zero Defects" and "Six Sigma Quality" are examples of slogans companies use to their workers to the basics right, for the first time, every time concentrating when to do to improve customer service.

In this type of encounter, are breakdowns in service delivery is bad news because they do not improve quality of customer service. They are to identify, analyze, and resolve to be eliminated mainly to improve service quality. The service must be streamlined and standardized in every possible way to improve customer service.

Companies that consistently successful in this endeavor (in terms of X by Y to Z Price) earn their reputations in the market as steady and reliable suppliers. This leads, as it should be to improve customer satisfaction and providing quality customer service.

The training in these organizations is focused on improving product knowledge, technical skill, thoroughness, accuracy and adherence to best practices in customer service.

Marketing consists of powerful efforts to proven products flooding the market. The customer is "sold."
Look into the management of this first kind of mentality organizations, there is usually a great interest in reducing costs, increasing volume and decreasing cycle time.

This speed is important: The participants are often closing in with similar products, faster delivery and lower prices. With this type of competition the profit margins are razor thin thrive and businesses through continuous increase in volume.

So far so good. But when we look into the employee mindset of such an organization, we find a different way of thinking in general that does not help to improve customer service quality. Frontline service employees, for ever, it will focus the first time properly trained and follow all procedures, and emboldened by the management of more and more results to be achieved in less time, find themselves on the phone, opening the mail or a meeting the next customer in person is thinking: "I hope this customer is not a pain in the neck!"

After all, customers with questions and unusual requests in general, more time, lead to more errors and can result in a general slowdown of the entire system.

No wonder so many of our customers wishes fulfilled by something out of the ordinary with the retort: ​​"We do not do this" or "That is not how to work our process here."

Service Encounters of the second kind

In Service Encounters of the second type, your company approaches the customer with a question that offers more than standard product comes in the X-Y-and Z-time price. Instead of the basic "What you want," Your service staff now provide a welcoming question: "How you want it"

Faced with such an open question, of course, the customer replies, ".. I want it the way I want it I want something very special I want it my way!"

Your service company must focus will change, if you deliver what your customer wants just the way your customer wants it. Special products, unique combinations, odd-hour deliveries, different schedules for the pricing or the payment - all are new challenges for your service team to understand and reach, improving customer service.

In Service Encounters of the second kind, failures in service delivery system are expected to be the first - and then be overcome in order to improve service quality. Responsiveness and flexibility of your primary goals are to improve customer support. The organization is focused, adaptable, accommodating and open to change requires that improve the quality of customer service and satisfaction.

Your service system does not improve by vigorous efforts to standardize, but by your willingness and commitment to adapt to customer service to improve!

Companies succeed in this difficult undertaking (what their customers what they want, when and where they want it and the way they want it) deserve their reputation on the market so fast, responsive and open to constant change. In short, they understand how to improve on customer service.

If a company meet-ling for the welcome and unique customer requirements is recognized, but the result is not only customer satisfaction, but a well-deserved reputation and valuable for customers.

In this second kind of appealing organizations include training programs active listening, creative problem solving and attitude-building activities to improve customer service. Employees learn how to be a "Yes" for the customer rather than roll-out to find the standard "no."

Marketing is not a broadside of mass advertising. Rather it is a selection of specially adapted programs tailored products gentle pressure to key segments of the market. Clients are not "sold" here, they are served to improve the customer service.

The staff and management mentality of these organizations, we find a common and sincere commitment to "bend over backwards" for the customer to improve customer service.

For example, an adjustment company announced: "We go out of their way to you!" But this catchy phrase shows the remains of one of the first kind of meeting company is forced into the second kind of service levels. This management is essentially saying, "We still have our way.

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