Sunday, April 3, 2011

In 1996 I was a different person. It took 20 minutes every morning before I can walk with the amount of pain just satisfactory. The first 20 minutes, my legs, knees and was filled with extreme pain in the groin. Given that the mainstay of my time practicing acupuncture was pain relief was sarcastic.

Of course I myself have used acupuncture for pain relief, but this time she never left more than temporary improvement of the health in your state. I spent 3 years herbs and supplements that I can give relief to find the right combination, but found nothing that has never made a real difference.

Then one day my graduate teachers pointed out the connection between your diet and painful symptoms. It was time to make a change.

I was a doctor who holistically oriented was lucky to find. He ran the battery a thorough test results he told me that if I did not change how I was eating I a cripple in a wheelchair within 10 years will be based on.

Aha! The image more than the daily pain hurt. I need to change I vowed right now.

Change your food in a month Luckily I have experienced much less pain. I was on the right track at last. Yet it took a year and a half before I was totally pain free.

I share this story because it has significant influence that dietary choices can have on chronic pain shows. Most people including most doctors, never make the connection between diet and pain. After my experience with it, I have no doubt that food is an important factor in relieving chronic pain.

What foods will make this dramatic change are? I have no more than glad to be able to give you the list of food that always end your pain or the pain of a loved one will be 'one size fits all "will.

Unfortunately, because everyone is different, no one list that will apply in every case.

Even with this limitation, there are some basic principles that almost everyone very well when it comes to pain relief can make a positive difference. Here are the most important ones:

* Eat only whole, fresh, natural foods, organically grown if possible. 80 years of research shows that more processed foods you more and more chronic degenerative disease, including pain of various kinds for your chance to eat.
* In particular, avoid anything that causes inflammation. In pain for most people concentrated sugars normally cause problems. White sugar, brown sugar, fructose, molasses, honey, fruit juice, etc. all fall into this category.
* In addition, refined grain products, particularly wheat flour products may aggravate the problem. Pasta, bread, cookies, cakes and candies are all best avoided.
* Be aware of allergic reactions to foods. Even the most healthy and nutritious food will not help you if you are allergic to it. The most common allergy dairy products, nuts, soy and dark vegetables (potatoes, peppers, eggplant and tomato) are.

Listen to your body. If you have pain that is better or worse at different times, if there are specific foods that you ate before the pain gets worse over time is consistent with a pattern.

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